Jamy Kahn
Title: Dioscape I

Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Limited ed. of 8

Dimensions: 36” x 120”

Year: 2009Title: Her Story

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions: 37” x 88”

Year: 2010Title: His Story

Medium: Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Dimensions: 37.5" x 83"

Year: 2010Title: In Gold


Dimensions: 27” x 67”

Year: 2010Title: Ingrown Changes

Medium: Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Dimensions: 54” x 67”

Year: 2012Title: Love I

Medium: Hand embellished giclees on canvas

Dimensions: 36” x 99”    Or    18” x 62”

Year: 2009Title: Love II

Medium: Acrylic and mixed media on canvas. Ltd. Ed. 

Dimensions: 26” x 71.5”

Year: 2009Title: Soul Train

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions: 24" x 160"

Year: 2009Title: Forest Unseen

Medium: Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Dimensions: 22" x 66"

Year: 2010Title: Voix

Medium: Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Dimensions: 20.5” x 82.5”

Year: 2010Title: XXIV-Twenty Four

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions: 17" x 47.5"

Year: 2010
Jamy Kahn’s body of work reflects a visual representation of her exploration into the phenomenon of living within a state of constant flux and change. In the High Spirits series Kahn deals primarily with the Object of connection or desire.

Kahn’s High Spirits series brings together moments of self-discovery and moments of warmth. Elegantly crafted, the wall-mounted sculptures in High Spirits employ familiar iconography; coffee cups, winding steam, foliage, and the archetypal symbol ‘x’, to evoke feelings of intimacy and purpose.

Kahn takes these familiar objects and ideas and imbues them with a larger-than-life insistency. The sculptures present themselves as sage-like, inviting viewers to contemplate parts of life that often seem daunting and uncertain.